Se encontraron 9 resultados

DNA Polymerase Kit T-Free

RAPDs use and with bacterial universal primers. Free of bacterial DNA vestiges

DNA Polymerase Kit T-Holmes

High sensitivity. Ideal for forensic samples or with little DNA.

Hot Start DNA Polymerase Kit T-Plus

High specificity. Linked to anti-Taq antibodies.

DNA Polymerase Direct Loading Kit T-Plus

For general uses. Includes buffer with dyes for gel direct loading.

DNA Pol Direct Loading Kit T-Holmes

High sensitivity. Includes buffer with 2 dyes for gel direct loading.

DNA Polymerase Resistant to Inhibitors Kit T-Plus

With optimized buffer to neutralize PCR inhibitors.

DNA Polymerase Kit Pfu

High fidelity amplification. Produces blunt end amplimers.

DNA Polymerase Kit LHF

High fidelity amplification of long fragments (until 30-40 kpb)
