RNA FlashPrep® SARS CoV2

Catalogue KD0120

Viral Inactivation and viral RNA rapid release.


The product is presented in a 1000 reactions version:

- 1 vial with 100 mg lyophilized Proteinase K (E1402)
- 1 jar with 10 ml of FlashPrep® (KD0120-1000)


Product authorized by ANMAT within the sanitary emergency context due to COVID-19 (PM 2709-002).

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This product enables the viral inactivation and quick release of RNA of SARS CoV-2 from nasopharyngeal and oropharyngeal swabs in physiological solution and saliva. It is an economical and simple method to prepare RNA for amplification by RT qPCR or isothermal tests.
It is important to mention that it does not require centrifugation or any additional handling processes that could increase biological risk levels.
FlashPrep has been successfully tested against the following SARS CoV-2 amplification kits: Kit Discovery, Kit Genefinder, Singleplex 2019-nCoV CDC Diagnostic Panel, Euroimmun, Genesig, Argeen and ELA-Chemstrip.


This product is transported at room temperature (15-30°C).
Once received, keep in the fridge for up to 2 years. After reconstituting proteinase K, keep FlashPrep® in the freezer at -20°C. Under these conditions, the product is stable for at least 1 year. Avoid more than 10 cycles of freezing/thawing.
