Catalogue K1210
From stool and soil samples.
The Kit contains:
- 50 HIGHWAY extractions /purifications (K1210-50)
- 250 HIGHWAY extractions /purifications (K1210-250)
It includes silica membrane mini columns, collection tubes, buffers, beads and instructions manual.
DNA Puriprep SOIL-kit enables a quick and simple extraction and purification of DNA of microorganism communities from stool and soil samples. It is a good complement to perform metagenomic studies.
During the process, an effective elimination of PCR inhibitors in the soil, such as humic acids, is achieved without sophisticated equipment. The eluted DNA can be applied directly to a PCR or kept at -20°C. The process demands no more than 35-40 minutes and does not require organic solvents or phenol.
DNA Puriprep SOIL-kit is transported and kept at room temperature.