Catalogue A0100
Low electroendosmosis
- 1 jar with 100 g HIGHWAY (A0100-100) or
- 1 jar with 500 g HIGHWAY (A0100-500)
This agarose has low electroendosmosis, and this is why it is suitable for DNA purification from agarose gels and for molecular size evaluation of DNA bands in gel.
Besides, it has a higher gel strength than agarose A0104.
Gel strength (1,0%): 1290 g/cm2
Gelation Temperature: (1.5%): 36,1°C
Electroendosmosis (EEO): 0,12
Sulphate: 0,096 %
DNA bonding: non detectable
DNAse/RNAse: non detectable
This product is transported and kept at room temperature.